My stepmom is pretty hot. She isn’t much older than me and hasn’t been married too long to my stepdad. I can’t count the number of times I’ve jacked myself off to the thought of fucking her. It’s so hard listening to my stepdad fuck her late at night. I wish I could get that attention from her. My wish somewhat came true today when she burst into my bedroom claiming she needed my cock to make some extra income. She explained she ran up a lot of debt on my stepdad’s credit cards and has been doing webcam shows without his knowledge to pay off the debt. She said she has a regular customer who will pay her a huge donation if she could use my cock in her show. Is that legal or close to it? I mean I’m over eighteen but should a stepmom be using my cock to make income? Who cares, she said she would kick me some of it if I cooperated. I agreed to let her jack me off instead of using my cock in her pussy.
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